Cellular Biotechnology Laboratory

Group Leader
Agata Giallongo


Istituto per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione Biomedica
Via Ugo La Malfa 153, 90146 Palermo
Tel. +39 091 6809 194

Membri del Laboratorio

Giovanni Perconti (Technician), Patrizia Rubino (Senior Technician), Danilo Cilluffo (Postdoctoral Fellow).


Principali progetti e collaborazioni

Oncological therapy through Biological Interaction Network Discovery- OBIND. Partners: UniPA, Fondazione RiMED, Exprivia S.P.A https://www.irib.cnr.it/en/project/obind-oncological-therapy-through-biological-interaction-network-discovery-2/

Strumenti / Tecnologie

Recombinant protein production, Cell biology techniques: transfection, Ip and co-Ip, proteomic approaches, confocal imaging. IBIM is equipped with routinely used instruments  for  gene expression analysis; big instruments such as mass spectrometers and confocal microscopes are available at the ATEN Center, UNIPA (http://www.atencenter.com/it/)