Molecular Allergology

Group Leader
Paolo Colombo


Istituto per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione Biomedica

Via Ugo La Malfa, 153 – 90146 Palermo
Tel. +39 0503757523

Membri del Laboratorio

Alessandra Longo (ric III° TD),

Valeria Longo (ric III° TD)


Effects of environmental pollutants on innate immune response

In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo (in collaboration with ISS) evaluation of immunotoxic and immunomodulatory effects of anthropogenic environmental pollutants on human/mouse immune cells.

– Identification of biomarkers of exposure in the serum of individuals who live in areas with high environmental risk.

Principali Progetti e partners

  1. BOW-Biogenic Organotropic Wetsuits (H2020-EIC-FETPROACT-2019)
  2. CISAS: Centro Internazionale di Studi Avanzati su Ambiente, ecosistema e Salute umana (MIUR- CIPE-105/2015)

Strumenti / Tecnologie

  • Biotechnology for the production of highly purified recombinant allergens
  • In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo model systems to identify molecules with potential immunotoxic or immunomodulatory activities
  • Identification and analysis of serum miRNA biomarkers of effect by Real Time PCR technologies