By Francesca Di Rosa
The CNR Immunology Network was established in 2016 with the aim of
- Strengthening the interaction and cooperation
- Fostering and spreading scientific information
- Enhancing visibility and impact of the CNR immunological research
- Creating international networks to enhance new funding opportunities
Immunologists from 18 Institutes of the National Research Council of Italy are CIN associate and they belong to 5 Departments (Biomedical Sciences; Biology, agriculture and food sciences; Chemical sciences and materials technology; Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation). The memberships have a long-standing interest in cell and molecular immunology approaches dealing with the immune system in health and disease.
Infection, innate immunity, and inflammation
The research includes the study of innate immune cell signaling, immunomodulatory mechanisms and functions, immunotoxicity, cytokines, innate immune cell biology through advanced imaging technologies, molecular biology, and omics approaches. Moreover, we are focused on the role of the innate immune system in chronic inflammatory diseases, allergy and autoimmunity, neurodegenerative diseases, tumor immunology, comparative immunology, resistance to pathogens, and to other environmental risks (e.g., micro- and nano-particles/plastics).
read moreAdaptive Immunity
We aim at deciphering the mechanisms underlying the role of T and B lymphocytes in adaptive immune responses as well as to the interactions between the adaptive immune system and different tissues during disease pathogenesis to attempt novel therapeutic approaches. Intracellular signaling mechanisms regulating T cell development, differentiation, induction and maintenance of immunological memory are being studied using lineage-tracing and cell-based techniques and are expected to provide relevant information for the design of new and more effective vaccine strategies.
read moreImmunogenetics and immune-related diseases
We aim at deciphering the mechanisms underlying the role of T and B lymphocytes in adaptive immune responses as well as to the interactions between the adaptive immune system and different tissues during disease pathogenesis to attempt novel therapeutic approaches. Intracellular signaling mechanisms regulating T cell development, differentiation, induction and maintenance of immunological memory are being studied using lineage-tracing and cell-based techniques and are expected to provide relevant information for the design of new and more effective vaccine strategies.
read moreImmuno-therapeutic approaches
Our aims are the formulation of innovative vaccines (against infectious and not-infectious diseases) and the design of strategies for targeting specific cell subsets using antigen nanocarriers. We design vaccine with free and/or NP bound recombinant allergens to modulate allergen specific immune response, and propose Fcγ-chimeric receptor engineered T and NK cell for the treatment of hematologic and solid tumors. Moreover we study the effects of compounds and natural substances on cell mediated immunity, the role of HLA-DR in immune escape and metastatic progression and we propose ...
read moreInterdisciplinary Collaboration
Immunology for school

Network coordinator
Dr Maria Rosaria Coscia
Fabio Concilio