Patologia Molecolare
Group Leader : Fabrizio Antonangeli
Laboratorio di Patologia Molecolare
c/o Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare
Sapienza Università di Roma
Viale Regina Elena 291
00161 Roma
- Cellular senescence and Natural Killer cell-mediated immunosurveillance of drug-induced senescent tumor cells
- Effects of microbiota modulation on Natural Killer cell and Microglia immunophenotype
Principali progetti e collaborazioni
- “Induction of cellular senescence contributes to the anti-tumor therapeutic efficacy of Palbociclib” in collaboration with Prof. Angela Santoni (Sapienza University of Rome)
- “Effect of microbiota modulation on tumor microenvironment in glioma” in collaboration with Prof. Cristina Limatola (Sapienza University of Rome)
- “T cell response” in collaboration with Dr. Francesca Di Rosa (CNR)
Strumenti e tecnologie
Cell culture, Flow cytometry
CD8 T cell memory; T cell response; homeostasis and activation of dendritic cells.
Group Leader : Francesca Di Rosa
+39 06 49255124
Member of the Executive Board of Italian Society of Immunology,
Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA)
Laboratorio di Patologia Molecolare
c/o Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare
Sapienza Università di Roma
Viale Regina Elena 291
00161 Roma
Membri del Laboratorio
- Dr. Ambra Natalini, Post-doc
- Silvia Gitto, PhD student
- Gabriele Favaretto,
- Technician
- Luciano Lucantonio, master student
Link to:
Principali progetti e collaborazioni
Dr. Di Rosa’s research activity deals with the induction and the maintenance of immunological memory by CD8 T cells, a highly specialized type of leukocytes controlling intracellular infections and tumors. Although several aspects of CD8 T cell memory have been clarified, a complete picture of the events involved in antigen-induced proliferation and differentiation from naive to memory CD8 T cell is not currently available, nor it is known how memory CD8 T cells are steadily maintained as seemingly quiescent cells, and yet are poised to promptly generate a huge progeny of effector CD8 T cells upon secondary response. A better knowledge of CD8 T cell memory is essential for our understanding of human diseases, including cancer, and the development of vaccines and of therapeutic and diagnostic modalities.
Dr. Di Rosa’s research group has demonstrated that the capacity of CD8 T cells to migrate to the bone marrow (BM) and assume long-term residence in this organ is an important aspect of immunological memory. Current research interests of the group are:
1) to better understand the functional and molecular differences between memory CD8 T cells from the BM and those from lymphoid periphery (blood, spleen, lymph nodes, etc);
2) to test the hypothesis that the BM offers two types of niches for memory T cells: one driving self-renewal, the other supporting quiescence, thus echoing the duality of niches for hematopoietic stem cells;
3) to compare different vaccination protocols for their capacity to induce CD8 T
cell priming and establishment of CD8 T cell memory in the BM;
4) to investigate the protective function of BM memory CD8 T cells against cancer.
Ongoing collaboration with Fabrizio Antonangeli, IBPM researcher and CIN member
International collaboration with prof. Adrian Hayday (Francis Crick Institute, and King’s College London), London, UK
Strumenti / tecnologie
Cytofluorimetry facility, in collaboration with Gabriele Favaretto
Botanicals antimicrobial and immune adjuvant properties
Group Leader : Francesca Mariani
- +39 06 90672518
Institute for Biological Systems
Km. 29.500 Via Salaria, Montelibretti, RM 00015
Membri del Laboratorio
Annalisa Basso
Giulia Cappelli
La Dott.ssa Francesca Mariani ha lavorato per molti anni sull’interazione ospite-patogeno, a livello di risposta cellulare e molecolare. In particolare si è occupata di infezioni di colture primarie di macrofagi umani (derivati da monociti del sangue interodi donatori sani) con patogeni intracellulari, quali il Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis) e lo Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus). Gli studi sulla replicazione di M.tuberculosis hanno dato vita ad un Brevetto internazionale sui geni espressi da M.tuberculosis in vivo (25/7/2011, SG/VC/gg-PCT28367, 2012/1/27,WO, 2012011144).
Negli ultimi anni ha applicato la sua esperienza nel campo delle sostanze naturali con proprietà antimicrobiche in senso lato (batteri e/o virus) e immunomodulanti, e ha collezionato una bio-banca di oltre 200 estratti da Piante Aromatiche Medicinali (PAM) raccolte in zone protette, nei rispettivi periodi balsamici, selezionate sulla base della letteratura scientifica attestante le loro rispettive proprietà antimicrobiche.
I protocolli per la preparazione degli estratti vegetali li ha appresi in un primo corso di Erboristeria, Farmacognosia e Galenica tradizionale tenuto dall’Accademia delle Arti Erboristiche, oltre che consultando la Farmacopea Italiana ed EU,e il laboratorio ha una lunga esperienza nella coltura di batteri patogeni di classe II.
Per molte delle specie di PAM collezionate sono stati preparati Estratti acquosi, alcolici, idroalcolici, Olii essenziali e Estrazioni con Soxhlet (sia in Etanolo che in acqua)
Inoltre nell’Istituto CNR nel quale si è trasferita di recente, in cui sta per essere creato un “Giardino dei semplici” a fini di studio, ha stabilito collaborazioni con colleghi agronomi per i protocolli di crescita delle PAM sia in situ che ex situ, e con chimici organici e chimici analitici, che hanno la possibilità di caratterizzare la composizione chimica degli estratti vegetali con diverse tecniche di analisi (HPLC, GC-MS e NMR).
Nel 2015 ha coordinato per il suo ex-Istituto, IBCN-CNR, un progetto EU H2020, passando il first stage, il cui obiettivo era il recupero delle Piante selvatiche Commestibili a livello EU (EATWILD). Il second stage non ha ottenuto il finanziamento, ma le ha permesso di conservare una rete di collaborazioni con diversi paesi EU sulle Wild Edible Plants (WEPs) e le loro proprietà terapeutiche (1).
I primi lavori pubblicati hanno analizzato gli effetti antimicrobici e immunomodulanti di diversi estratti di Lavandula angustifolia (2) e di Corylus avellana Tonda Gentile Romana (3) su macrofagi umani infettati con S.aureus.
In corso di deposito è un Brevetto basato su uno studio che ha analizzato gli effetti anti-tumorali di diversi Olii Essenziali (in corso di sottomissione all’Ufficio Brevetti Italiano e alla rivista Antioxidants and Redox Signaling ).
La Dott.ssa Francesca Mariani è stata designata dal MIPAAF, Direzione generale per la promozione della qualità Agroalimentare, quale Esperto per il CNR al Tavolo tecnico: “Tavolo di filiera Piante Officinali”, DG PQA – PQA 02 – Prot. Uscita N.0002600 del 30/10/2012.
- L. Bacchetta, F. Visioli, G. Cappelli, E. Caruso, G. Martin, E. Nemeth, G. Bacchetta, G. Bedini, A. Wezel, T. van Asseldonk, L. van Raamsdonk and F. Mariani (on behalf of the Eatwild Consortium). A manifesto for the valorization of wild edible plants. J Ethnopharmacol. 2016 Jun 14. pii: S0378-8741(16)30349-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.05.061.
- D. Giovannini, Gismondi A., Basso A., Canuti L., Braglia R., Canini A, Mariani F. and Cappelli G. Lavandula angustifolia Mill. essential oil exerts antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect in macrophage mediated immune response to Staphylococcus aureus. Immunol Invest. 2016 Jan;45(1):11-28. doi: 10.3109/08820139.2015.1085392.
- Giulia Cappelli, Daniela Giovannini, Anna Lisa Basso, Olivia Costantina Demurtas, Gianfranco Diretto, Chiara Santi, Gabriella Girelli, Loretta Bacchetta and Francesca Mariani. A Corylus avellana L. extract enhances human macrophage bactericidal response against Staphylococcus aureus by increasing the expression of anti-inflammatory and Iron metabolism genes. J Functional Foods, 2018, 45:499-511.
Strumenti / Tecnologie
qPCR, microbial cultures, human monocyte-derived-macrophages (MDMs) differentiation and infection with intracellular pathogens, medicinal plants (botanicals) extracts preparation (Hydro-alcoholic, alcoholic and aqueous extracts, Essential Oils, Soxhlet extraction) , botanicals bio bank collection and characterization, treatment of intracellular pathogens and human MDMs with diverse botanicals: MIC and MBC analysis, MDMs gene expression by qPCR, Iron metabolism analysis.
CAR-T and allo-NK cell Immunotherapy of AML and CRC
Group Leader Giuseppe Sconocchia
- +39-06-72596531
Istituto di Farmacologia Traslazionale
Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100 – 00133 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45488486
Membri del Laboratorio
Caratelli Sara (assegnista)
Arriga Roberto (PhD)
Lanzilli Giulia (ricercatore III livello)
Anna Aureli (collaboratrice, ricercatore III livello)
Canossi Angelica (collaboratrice, ricercatore III livello)
- Mechanisms of tumor cell-induced NK cell abnormalities
- Development of atypical CAR-T for tumor immunotherapy
Strumenti / Tecnologie
- Cell isolation and culture
- gene expression (real-time PCR)
- gene expression by plasmid transfection and retroviral transduction
- multiple color flow cytometry
- biochemical studies
NGF physiology
Group Leader
Luisa Bracci Laudiero
- +39 06 49934248 (CNR office)
- +39 06 6859 2644 (OPBG office)
Istituto di Farmacologia Traslazionale
Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy
Tel. +39 06 45488486
Membri del Laboratorio
Luigi Manni (ric III°)
Marzia Soligo (ric III°)
Gaetana Minnone (PhD)
Neroimmunomodulation: effects of neurotrophins and neuropeptides on immune responses. In vitro and in vivo studies to investigate the role of NGF and its receptors in chronic inflammatory diseases and evaluate the effects of NGF receptor activation or inhibition on inflammatory response and disease progression
Principali progetti e partners
- Ricerca Finalizzata Ministero della Salute
- Ricerca Corrente OspedalePediatrico Bambin Gesu’ , Ministero della Salute
Strumenti / Tecnologie
Cell isolation and culture, gene expression (real-time PCR) protein analysis (ELISA, Western blot).
Institutional FACS facility, imaging facility (confocal, live imaging)
Immunopharmacology of natural substances
Group Leader
Maria Pia Fuggetta
- 39-06-49934610 – 4259
Istituto di Farmacologia Traslazionale
Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100 – 00133 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45488486
Membri del Laboratorio
Prof. Enzo Bonmassar,
Senior Research Associate
Prof. Giampiero Ravagnan
Senior Research Associate
- Effects of drugs and natural substances on Cell Mediated Immunity: CTL/NK cytotoxicity
- Drug-induced Neoantigens on tumour cells (Xenogenization,DIX) Antigen specific recognition by CTL
- Control of inflammation by natural substances : in vitro models of inflammation and Inflammation in obesity (model of obesity in vitro)
- Immunologyc effects of Resveratrol/Polydatin (Spinoff) • Effects of new inhibitors of the “Inflammasome-Caspase-1
- Effects of new inhibitors of the “Inflammasome-Caspase-1 Complex” new molecules which, by inhibiting Interleukin -1β, can control autoimmune and inflammatory disorders (collaboration with ICB/CNR Sassari )
Strumenti / Tecnologie
- In vitro tumor growth(apoptosis telomerase activity)
- In vitro cellular immunology
- NK and CTL cytotoxic activity (Test 51Cr release- or colorimetric)
- In vitro model of cell/cell interaction (cellular cross talk)
- Immune Cell separation
- Cytokines production (TEST ELISA)
- Western blot
Altre Informazioni
Academic SPINOFF
2 international patents: (PCT / IB01 / 00983) and (PCT / IB2001 / 00981) concerning the extraction methods and the antitumor and immunomodulatory effects of Resveratrol and its glucoside derivative POLYDATIN . The patents were the basis of the academic SPINOFF, participated CNR, represented by GLURES srl company. The patent (PCT / IB01 / 00983) has been licensed for use and has resulted in the marketing of Polydatin-based products: a “supplement for special medical purposes” containing 100% Polydatin and a dermocosmetic product.
Clinical studies are in progress
DNA Vaccine Technology
Group Leader : Monica Rinaldi
- 39-06 49934219
Istituto di Farmacologia Traslazionale ARoma, Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Tel. +39 06 49934219
Membri del Laboratorio
Daniela Fioretti (ricercatore CNR )
Sandra Iurescia (ricercatore CNR )
Anti-idiotypic DNA Vaccination in B-cells Lymphoma Preclinic protocols of genetic immunization against tumor-associated antigens Combination therapy: (vaccination+immunotherapy+chemotherapy) DNA vaccine and biotechnology; Targeted therapy: antigen-specific therapy, polyepitope vaccines; Adjuvant therapy; Cancer immunotherapy; Cancer vaccines; Immunological response.
Strumenti / Tecnologie
Development of innovative vaccine formulations for anticancer therapy and/or prevention, intended for clinical application: multigenic plasmid vectors; set-up of in vivo electroporation technology; DNA vaccine immunomodulatory adjuvants; electroporation and prime-boost protocols Naked in vivo gene transfer
Silvia D'Amico Lab
Group Leader: Silvia D’Amico
- +39 06 4993 4715 / 3388294339
Istituto di Farmacologia Traslazionale Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100 – 00133 Roma Tel. +39 06 45488486
- Dissection of tumor immune heterogeneity and crosstalk between tumor and immune cells.
- Development of new strategies for local modulation of the tumor immune microenvironment and enhancement of tumor immunogenicity.
- Development of combination therapies to extend the area of efficacy of current immunotherapeutic approaches.
Strumenti / Tecnologie
- Cell isolation and culture
- CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing
- Gene expression (real-time PCR)
- Protein expression
- Establishment of mouse and/or patient-derived organotypic tumor spheroids
- Multicolor flow cytometry for tumor microenvironment dissection
- In vitro tumor-immune interaction studies (evaluation of activation status, migration, effector function, proliferation)